One International Center
Not long ago I had the opportunity to do architectural photography in San Antonio for a client of mine.
I arrived during the day for what was to turn into a full day of photographing. I started with the exteriors, using a tilt/shift lens that enabled me to capture the building in its entirety. I placed my camera+tripod on the trunk of my car in order to further capture this very tall building.

Behind the scenes of the first image (below)

A hero shot of the exterior, daytime
Next I needed to showcase some of the nicest offices on the property. With the help of the building’s property manager, we made our rounds and stopped first at Stream Realty. Stream is a large commercial real estate firm headquartered in Dallas.

Stream Realty’s office
Next we made our way into RGP, which is a consulting firm with quite a nice view from their office (okay, every suite had a breathtaking view). I lit the room up with flash and tried my hardest not to overdo it so that it would still look natural.

RGP lobby
We made our way into a law firm with some wonderful symmetric architecture. I used the symmetry to my advantage with this composition. Sometimes simple is best.
The last stop was the front lobby/entrance to One International Center. It took some time to not get anybody in the photo, as it’s quite a busy building.
And of course, it woudn’t be complete without the quintessential twilight photo.
Thank you for your interest in this photo shoot. If you’d like to see more similar work, you can visit any of these links:
Aquila Commercial Corporate Office
Texas Mutual Insurance – Business Editorial Photo Shoot in Office | Architecture & Real Estate Photography - Scott Mason / 14 February 2018 8:30
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