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Author: scottm18

photo of my morning jacket's guiarist doing a windmill at Jay Pritzker pavilion in Chicago

3 Tips For Photographing In Changing Light

There are several types of situations where you may end up photographing in changing light.  Sometimes the change can be subtle like when re-framing your image and other times light changes are more drastic like when photographing an indoor band performance with stage lights or...

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a cafeteria in UFCU plaza Austin, TX

UFCU Plaza

This was the most recent large assignment I have been given.  I love photographing plazas, as they offer some of the best architecture and variety in settings. The building manager accompanied for most of the shoot, which was a real help.  Staging photos can be tedious,...

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A small waterfall and pond with a tree trunk

The End Of An Era

After a year living in the north side of Austin, my girlfriend and I decided we had enough of the isolation of being so far from the action and excitement of the city. We packed up and moved to a more central neighborhood with the...

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Photo Shoot for Allied Outdoor Solutions

I arrived at the residence just before sundown.  I had been hired to photograph a back patio area for Allied Outdoor Solutions, a local company that installs outdoor kitchens.  Having recently moved to Austin from Chicago, I was excited to have my first commercial photography...

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An exterior architectural photograph of an office building in Austin, TX

18 Buildings in 3 Months

The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. In addition, the work of De Stijl artists is...

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