UFCU Plaza’s New Gym Facility
I recently photographed UFCU Plaza‘s new fitness center.
I came to the property manager’s office for a preliminary pre-shoot to check the space out and be shown where the lockbox was. Due to the fact that I had to photograph the facility during non-business hours, I was left an access code to get into the building on Sunday. Hey, these people really trust me!
It always feels a bit eerie walking around a large empty building by myself but the interior of UFCU Plaza is inviting.
I’ve always loved the architecture of UFCU Plaza, a 246,00 square-foot building built in 1987. Here are a few images of the gym, starting with a wide view:

A wide shot of the interior
I always use an external light source to fill in shadows and give more “pop” to my images but it wasn’t needed here – the overhead lighitng was more than enough.

A close-up. Not requested by the client but I like throwing these in.

The locker room

The Yoga Room. I blasted 3 lights against the wall behind me (left) to illuminate this room.
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